








gas的价格单位为gwei,,gwei的单位比ether要小,1 gwei等于0.000000001 ETH。我们可以把它们之间的关系看成是美分和美元。


我们现在可以快速计算出,这样一笔交易我们需要支付3.78美元。我们将发送一笔交易的gas成本(2.1万gas)和gas价格(100gwei)相乘,就等于2100000 gwei,也就是0.0021 ETH。在ETH价格为1800美元时,这笔交易的手续费是3.78美元。









以太坊的协议也限制了矿工们挖出一个区块中可以包含多少笔交易。这是由每个区块的最大gas限制决定的。在撰写本文时,这个限制被设置为12.5M gas。

举个简单的例子,我们假设内存池中只有简单的ETH交易,每个交易花费21000 gas。一个矿工可以打包595个这样的交易。假设内存池中有1000个待处理的交易,矿工将通过按gas价格对所有待处理的交易进行排序并选择595个付费更高的交易进行打包。



为了更好的解释gas,我们需要首先理解为什么gas会存在。以太坊虚拟机作为一个图灵完备的机器,它允许执行任意代码。虽然这是使以太坊如此强大的主要原因之一,但它也更容易受到halting problem的影响。halting problem是指从一个任意计算机程序的代码和输入来确定该程序是会结束运行,还是会永远继续运行。



以太坊虚拟机在执行事务中的每个操作之前,会检查是否有足够的剩余空间用于该操作。如果剩余的gas不够,则使用“out of gas”来还原整个交易,并回滚所有状态。即使交易失败,用户仍将为矿工已完成的工作量支付交易费用。这也是为了避免人们发起对网络的恶意攻击。





随着去中心化交易所(DEX)创纪录的交易量,DeFi借贷平台锁定总价值越走越高,很多Yield Farming的项目创造出了很多机会,并且网络上制造出来的NFT(非同质化代币)越来越多,以太坊网络异常繁忙。








一种更通用的解决方案——基于optimistic rollups的Optimism也正在推出当中。它的推出非常重要,因为它将允许DeFi智能合约以类似于它们在主网上的交互方式在第二层网络上进行交互。




EIP– 1559















By 巴比特


Gas 中译是:瓦斯、汽油,代表一种可燃气体。 这形象地比喻以太坊的交易手续费计算模式,不同于比特币中直接支付比特币作为转账手续费, 以太坊视为一个去中心化的计算网络,当你发送Token、执行合约、转移以太币或者在此区块上干其他的时候,计算机在处理这笔交易时需要进行计算消耗网络资源,这样你必须支付燃油费购买燃料才能让计算机为你工作。最终燃料费作为手续费支付给矿工。


当你听到别人谈论 gas 时,实际是在讨论两个概念:gasUsed 和 gasPrice,默认情况下是指 gasUsed。你可以把 gasUsed 看成是汽车所需多少升燃油。把 gas price 看成是燃油单价。

对于汽车,每升汽油6.46元(price),10 升汽油就是64.6元。对于以太坊,每gas是20Gwei(price),21000 个 gas 就是 20*21000 Gwei= 420000 Gwei= 0.00042 Ether。也就是说本次交易手续为 0.00042 Ether。


Gas Used

那么,以太坊这台计算机在处理交易时是如何统计计算量的呢? 以太坊有专门的虚拟机处理交易,虚拟机根据交易中确定的一个一个的操作指令进行逐个处理, 而每个操作指令都有明文规定的Gas消耗量。 比如执行一次加法运算将消耗 3Gas, 这样交易需要消耗多少Gas完全取决于执行完交易中的所有操作指令的累计Gas, 交易执行完成时虚拟机将反馈总消耗Gas量,称之为 gasused。 而你所需支付的手续费等于gasPrice * gasUsed

指令Gas UsedNotes


Gas Limit

因为手续费等于 gasPrice * gasUsed,用户在转账,特别是执行智能合约时 gasUsed 无法提前预知。 这样存在一个风险,当用户的交易涉及一个恶意的智能合约,该合约执行将消耗无限的燃料, 这样会导致交易方的余额全部消耗(恶意的智能合约有可能是程序Bug,如合约执行陷入一个死循环)。

为了避免合约中的错误引起不可预计的燃料消耗,用户需要在发送交易时设定允许消耗的燃料上限,即 gasLimit。 这样不管合约是否良好,最坏情况也只是消耗 gasLimit 量的燃料。

然而,一笔交易所必须支付的燃料已经在区块中通过该交易已执行的计算量记录。 如果你不想支出太多燃料,而故意设置过底的 gas limit 是没太多帮助的。 你必须支付足够燃料来支付本交易所必要的计算资源。如果交易尚未执行完成,而燃料已用完, 将出现一个 Out of Gas 的错误。特别注意的是,即使交易失败,你也必须为已占用的计算资源所支付手续费。 比如,你通过合约给 TFBOYS 投票,设置 gasPrice=2 gwei,gasLimit=40000(实现投票需要40001的燃料开销), 最终你投票失败且仍然需要支付 40000*2 gwei= 80000 gwei= 0.00008 ETH。

另外,如果最终 gasUsed 低于 gasLimit,即燃料未用完。则剩余燃料(gasLimit – gasUsed )将在交易后退还给你。 比如你发送 1 Ether 到另一个账户B,设置 gas limit 为 400000,将有 400000 – 21000 返回给你。

21000 是标准转账交易的gasUsed。因此一笔标准的转账交易你可以设置 gasLimit 为21000。

Gas Price

因为你所需要支付的燃料费为燃料单价(gasPrice) * 燃料开销(gasUsed),如果你想让交易花费更少, 你能够做的是降低你愿意支付的燃料单价。 另一方面,降低燃料单价的坏处是交易可能需要等待很长时间才被打包到区块中。

这是因为交易燃料费将归属于挖出本区块的矿工。当矿工挖矿时,他需要决定哪些交易放入到区块中,可以随机选择交易, 也可以不包含任何交易。为了鼓励让矿工将你的交易放入区块,你会考虑将燃料单价设置得足够诱人,已确保能优先放入区块。

但这还是一厢情愿,因为这个最终取决于矿工。大部分矿工遵循一个简单策略,优先打包本地交易, 将接受到的交易按燃油单价从高到底排列,依次放入区块中直到塞满区块,或者直到低于矿工所设置的燃料单价底限。

如果你着急交易,高燃料单价会使得你的交易排在别人前面。 如果不着急,你只需设置一个足够让矿工包含你交易的燃油单价即可。


  • 高燃料单价为50 GWEI 的交易几乎总能放到下一个区块。
  • 高燃料单价为22 GWEI 的交易通常会把它放到未来的几个区块中。
  • 高燃料单价为8 GWEI 的交易通常会在未来几分钟内放入区块。


可以因为当前以太坊的交易处理性能(15笔/秒),当出现交易高峰期拥堵时,你需要考虑调整燃料单价, 比如在Token创建后,抢购火热,为了中签你需要设置更高的燃料单价,以能够优先抢购Token。

在设置燃料单价时,你还需要考虑加密货币的价格波动,相对人民币随时都涨跌20%。 按人民币考虑,之前的交易 10 gas price 相当于0.3元,而现在可能已经是0.4元。 所以需要根据实际情况,尽量调低燃料单价。而当网络中大部分交易都是较低燃料单价时,矿工也会去调整他的底限。

那么问题来了,到底该设置多少燃料单价才合适呢? 你可以到ethgasstation网站上查看。它将告诉你现在整个以太坊的情况,并给你建议的燃料单价,下图是当前的燃料单价设置建议。



  • Kwei(Babbage) = 10**3 Wei
  • Mwei(Lovelace) = 10**6 Wei
  • Gwei(Shannon) = 10**9 Wei
  • Microether(Szabo) = 10**12 Wei
  • Milliether(Finney) = 10**15 Wei
  • Ether = 10**18 Wei

By 虞双齐








• 是否有可能创造一种可以在没有任何中间人的情况下在两个人之间转移的金钱形式?

• 是否有可能创建一个可以在区块链等功能上运行的分散化资金?

Satoshi Nakamoto在创造比特币时回答了这些问题。我们终于有了一个去中心化的货币体系,可以将资金从一个人转移到另一个人身上。


Alice可以发送Bob 5 BTC,但她不能对这些交易施加条件。例如。她不能告诉鲍勃,只有当他执行某些任务时他才能拿到钱。





以太坊虚拟机(EVM)中运行的所有智能合约都使用 solidity进行编码(以太坊计划未来将从Solidity转移到Viper。)每一行代码都需要一定量的gas来计算,就好比汽车要用汽油。


图片来源:Ethereum Yellow Paper

3. 以太坊Gas如何工作


• 你去加油站,并指定你想要在你的车中注满多少汽油(gas)。

• 你的汽车里充满了汽油(gas)。

• 你向加油站支付你欠他们汽油(gas)的金额。






• 涵盖其数据,即intrinsic gas。

• 覆盖整个计算。






• 通过挖掘块和获得块奖励。

• 通过成为他们的开采块裁决和打包者。





gas度量的最小单位是wei。所以,如果我们在操作过程中花费1个gas单位,我们称它为1 wei。




没有固定的转换价格,完全取决于矿工来确定转换价格,然而,平均转换率通常为:1 gas = 0.02 micro Ether

如果要继续深入,了解Gas Limit的概念很重要:

5:以太坊燃料限制(Gas Limit)是什么?

为了在Ethereum中完成操作,发起交易的人员或智能合约创建者必须在向矿工提交Gas Limit之前指定Gas Limit。当指定Gas Limit时,矿工将开始执行操作。

提交Gas Limit时,必须考虑以下几点:

• 不同的运营会产生不同的gas成本(如前所示)。

• gas用完时,矿工将停止执行。

• 如果有剩余gas,将立即退还给发起交易的人员或智能合约创建者。



• 把10存储在一个变量中 —假设这个操作成本是45 wei 的gas。

• 储存最终结果 —成本为45wei。是10 wei。

• 储存最终结果—成本为45wei。

假设 gas limit是120 wei。

矿工使用的gas总量为45 + 10 + 45=100 wei。

假设1 wei的费用为0.02 micro ETH,则所欠的费用为(100 * 0.02 micro ETH)= 0.000002 ETH。


120 – 100 = 20 wei。

20 wei退还给发起交易的人员或智能合约创建者。


• gas limit太低。

• gas limit太高。





• 把10存储在一个变量中—假设这个操作成本是45 wei 的gas。

• 增加两个变量—假设这个成本是10 wei。

• 储存最终结果—成本为45wei。

但是,这一次,gas limit是90wei

现在,我们知道履行合同所需的gas是100 wei,但我们却有90 wei的限制。

在这种情况下,矿工将进行90 wei的计算,然后对90 wei的运行生成器费用进行计费,结果为(90 * 0.02微ETH)0.000018 ETH。


情景#2:gas limit太高

那么,如果我们将gas limit设置得太高怎么办?



矿工受到每块6,700,000gas limit的限制。以太坊的每个简单交易通常都有2.1万的gas limit。矿工只能增加加起来小于或等于块gas limit的操作。


假设有一个交易A有一个42,000 gas limit 和两个交易B和C的正常 limit (如21,000)。


• 他们是否会优先进行交易A并退还大量gas?

• 或者他们会优先处理交易B和C并且退还少量gas?


这正是为什么超高的gas limit不是明智的做法。







如果一个操作有高gas,那么这意味着gas limit非常高,矿工还是不会去处理。




尽管gas系统因为提出了一个能够非常积极地激励矿工的平稳运行机制而受到赞扬,但最近也受到了很多质疑,因为对于开发商和智能合约创造者来说成本有点高了。无论如何,以太坊项目的参与者必须了解这些成本,并据此设计 dApp 。我们需要在区块链链上和链外的复杂性之间找到平衡。

By 刘杨

Decentraland – A Virtual Reality Platform

Decentraland is an Ethereum-powered virtual reality platform. In this virtual world, you purchase plots of land that you can later traverse, build upon, and monetize. There’s no limit to what you can do. It’s the first digital platform that’s completely owned by its users.

In this Decentraland beginner’s guide, we’ll dig into:

How Does Decentraland Work?

Similar to games like Skyrim and Fallout, Decentraland is an all-immersive virtual universe. However, instead of playing on a two-dimensional screen, you participate in a three-dimensional world. It seems to be the logical next step before creating full-blown AI-based games in the physical space, à la Westworld.

What Is LAND?

In Decentraland, the spaces that you interact with are LAND, non-fungible digital assets that you purchase in the game. Once you own a plot of LAND, you’re free to do with it as you choose. You can create games, applications, gambling services, or even dynamic 3D scenes. But, why stop there? Although not its primary purpose, you can also create LAND-based services around education, professional development, tourism, etc.

The number of LAND is capped, and each plot of LAND is 33 feet by 33 feet, but there’s no limit to its height. Recently Decentraland created LAND Estates, a feature that allows you to more easily manage your LAND by associating adjacent plots. If you’re interested in purchasing LAND (or just want to see the map), you should check out the LAND marketplace.

Similar groupings on LAND comprise Districts. Districts are basically communities that revolve around a shared theme. For example, there may be a District just for crypto enthusiasts with cryptocurrency apps and services. You can vote on District issues through Decentraland’s voting dApp, Agora. The amount of LAND you hold in a specific district correlates to the weight of your vote. Decentraland created Agora to give you more control over what happens in your districts, and to provide feedback on the platform at large. 

What Is MANA?

MANA is Decentraland’s cryptocurrency token. It’s an ERC20 token that you use to purchase plots of LAND as well as pay for in-world goods and services.

When you buy LAND, Decentraland burns the MANA that you purchase it with. The Decentraland team originally sold each plot of LAND for 1000 MANA. Now that there’s a secondary market, though, the LAND prices vary. Currently, the cheapest plot of LAND is 11,750 MANA while more popular areas have price tags in the millions. The highest selling plot went for 2,000,000 MANA, or $175,578, in March 2018. This was quite a bit of money for a virtual plot of land and left the seller with a nice profit.

Technology Architecture

Decentraland’s protocol has three layers:

  • Consensus layer: Tracks land ownership and land content through an Ethereum smart contract.
  • Land content layer: Uses a decentralized distribution system to render the content in the virtual world.
  • Real-time layer: Provides peer-to-peer connections for users to interact with one another.

The team is building the virtual reality platform using A-Frame. To build in the world, you can first create a model in SketchUp and/or Blender, and then import it onto the platform.

Decentraland Team & Progress

The Decentraland team is led by Ari Meilich (Project Lead) and Esteban Ordano (Tech Lead). Ordano previously worked at Bitpay as a software engineer and founded Smart Contract Solutions, Inc. Both founders have also worked together in creating Stremium and Bitcore.

decentraland founders

Decentraland has been around for longer than you may think. The team hit their first development milestone, Stone Age, in June 2015. This was a simple, pixelated grid that allocated pixels to users through a proof-of-work algorithm. Most recently, they held a Terraform Event in which they sold LAND in the new, 3D world.https://267db645734dd440dbc53370a2db3c85.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.htmlThe team has also partnered with district0xAragon, and imToken to provide some of their services.

Decentraland is fairly unique in the blockchain world with no large, direct competitors. High Fidelity and Sansar both provide spaces to create and sell virtual reality experiences, but they aren’t blockchain based. MARK.SPACE seems to be the most similar project; however, it’s far behind Decentraland in both development and notoriety.


The MANA price was relatively stagnant until the December/early-January market explosion. Since then, the coin has done relatively well compared to the rest of the altcoin market, maintaining about 75% of its Bitcoin value in the subsequent downturn.

MANA hit its all time high in January 2018 at $0.26, hitting two more peaks in May and July, $0.18 and $0.14 respectively. Since July 2018 MANA has continued to fall, reflecting the trends of the crypto markets.https://267db645734dd440dbc53370a2db3c85.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

Because the only use for MANA, right now, is to purchase LAND, it’s hard to predict what will affect the price. An increase in demand for LAND may only lead to a rise in the amount of MANA you need to purchase some – not a rise in the MANA value itself. The MANA price should increase, though, as you become able to buy more things with it.

Where to Buy MANA

You can purchase MANA on most major exchanges with either Bitcoin or Ethereum. Binance and OKEx have the largest trading volume of the exchanges.

If you don’t own either of those two coins, and you’re confused where to start, check out our Bitcoin buying guide or Ethereum buying guide.

Where to Store MANA

MANA is an ERC20 token, so there are numerous wallet options for you to choose from. We recommend using a hardware wallet like the Trezor or Ledger Nano S. These keep your funds offline and are less susceptible to malicious software.

MyEtherWallet is another popular option if you’re not looking to spend the money on a hardware wallet.


Decentraland is a virtual reality platform that you can purchase land on. Tapping into the imagination of gamers and entrepreneurs everywhere, you’re able to do whatever you want with the land that you purchase.

This is a unique project in a largely untested market. The popularity of “alternative life” games is a good sign, but it’s hard to tell if this will carry over into the 3D and blockchain space. However, if Decentraland gains the adoption that its supporters hope it will, then we may just see an entirely new ecosystem of businesses and experiences flourish before our eyes.

By Steven Buchko

Ethereum Gas Fully Explained

  1. Ethereum Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort that it will take to execute certain operations.
  2. Every single operation that takes part in Ethereum, be it a transaction or smart contract execution requires some amount of gas.
  3. Miners get paid an amount in Ether which is equivalent to the total amount of gas it took them to execute a complete operation.

Ethereum Gas – is the lifeblood of the Ethereum ecosystem, there is no other way of putting that. Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort that it will take to execute certain operations.

Every single operation that takes part in Ethereum, be it a simple transaction, or a smart contract, or even an ICO takes some amount of gas. Gas is what is used to calculate the amount of fees that need to be paid to the network in order to execute an operation.

In this guide, we are going to understand how gas works. But before we do so, there are several concepts that we must learn. So, without further ado, let’s begin our deep dive on Ethereum Gas.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Why is gas not needed in Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was created because everyone was asking the same questions.

  • Will it be possible to create a form of money which can be transferred between two people without any middleman?
  • Will it be possible to create a decentralized money which can function on something like the blockchain?

Satoshi Nakamoto answered these questions when he created bitcoin. We finally had a decentralized monetary system which can transfer money from one person to another.

However, there was a problem with bitcoin which is a problem with all first-generation blockchains. They only allowed for monetary transactions, there was no way to add conditions to those transactions.

Alice can send Bob 5 BTC, but she couldn’t impose conditions on those transactions. Eg. She couldn’t tell Bob that he will get the money only if he performed certain tasks.

These conditions would need extremely complicated scripting. Something was required to make the process more seamless.

…And that “something” was a smart contract.

What is a smart contract?

Smart contracts help you exchange money, property, shares, or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Vitalik Buterin’s Ethereum is easily the stalwart of this generation. They showed the world how the blockchain can evolve from a simple payment mechanism to something far more meaningful and powerful.

So, what are these “smart contracts” and what’s the big deal?

Smart contracts are automated contracts. They are self-executing with specific instructions written in its code which get executed when certain conditions are made.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

You can learn more about smart contracts in our in-depth guide here.

Smart contracts are how things get done in the Ethereum ecosystem. When someone wants to get a particular task done in Ethereum they initiate a smart contract with one or more people.

Smart contracts are a series of instructions, written using the programming language “solidity”, which works on the basis of the IFTTT logic aka the IF-THIS-THEN-THAT logic. Basically, if the first set of instructions are done then execute the next function and after that the next and keep on repeating until you reach the end of the contract.

The best way to understand that is by imagining a vending machine. Each and every step that you take acts like a trigger for the next step to execute itself. It is kinda like the domino effect. So, let’s examine the steps that you will take while interacting with the vending machine:

  • Step 1: You give the vending machine some money.
  • Step 2: You punch in the button corresponding to the item that you want.
  • Step 3: The item comes out and you collect it.

Now look at all those steps and think about it. Will any of the steps work if the previous one wasn’t executed? Each and every one of those steps is directly related to the previous step. There is one more factor to think about, and it is an integral part of smart contracts. You see, in your entire interaction with the vending machine, you (the requestor) were solely working with the machine (the provider). There were absolutely no third parties involved.

So, now how would this transaction have looked like if it happened in the Ethereum network?

Suppose you just bought something from a vending machine in the Ethereum network, how will the steps look like then?

Step 1: You give the vending machine some money and this gets recorded by all the nodes in the Ethereum network and the transaction gets updated in the ledger.

Step 2: You punch in the button corresponding to the item that you want and record of that gets updated in the Ethereum network and ledger.

Step 3: The item comes out and you collect it and this gets recorded by all the nodes and the ledger.

Every transaction that you do through the smart contracts will get recorded and updated by the network. What this does is that it keeps everyone involved with the contract accountable for their actions. It takes away human malice by making every action taken visible to the entire network

What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine?

Before we understand what the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is, we must understand why a “Virtual Machine” is needed.

So let’s go back to smart contracts.

What are the desirable properties that we want in our smart contract?

Anything that runs on a blockchain needs to be immutable and must have the ability to run through multiple nodes without compromising on its integrity. As a result of which, smart contract functionality needs to be three things:

  • Deterministic.
  • Terminable.
  • Isolated.

Feature #1: Deterministic

A program is deterministic if it gives the same output to a given input every single time. Eg. If 3+1 = 4 then 3+1 will ALWAYS be 4 (assuming the same base). So when a program gives the same output to the same set of inputs in different computers, the program is called deterministic.

There are various moments when a program can act in an un-deterministic manner:

  • Calling un-deterministic system functions: When a programmer calls an un-deterministic function in their program.
  • Un-deterministic data resources: If a program acquires data during runtime and that data source is un-deterministic then the program becomes un-deterministic. Eg. Suppose a program that acquires the top 10 google searches of a particular query. The list may keep changing.
  • Dynamic Calls: When a program calls the second program it is called dynamic calling. Since the call target is determined only during execution, it is un-deterministic in nature.

Feature #2: Terminable

In mathematical logic, we have an error called “halting problem”. Basically, it states that there is an inability to know whether or not a given program can execute its function in a time limit. In 1936, Alan Turing deduced, using Cantor’s Diagonal Problem, that there is no way to know whether a given program can finish in a time limit or not.

This is obviously a problem with smart contracts because, contracts by definition, must be capable of termination in a given time limit. There are some measures taken to ensure that there is a way to externally “kill” the contract and to not enter into an endless loop which will drain resources:

  • Turing Incompleteness: A Turing Incomplete blockchain will have limited functionality and not be capable of making jumps and/or loops. Hence they can’t enter an endless loop.
  • Step and Fee Meter: A program can simply keep track of the number “steps” it has taken, i.e. the number of instructions it has executed, and then terminate once a particular step count has been executed. Another method is the Fee meter. Here the contracts are executed with a pre-paid fee. Every instruction execution requires a particular amount of fee. If the fee spent exceeds the pre-paid fee then the contract is terminated.
  • Timer: Here a pre-determined timer is kept. If the contract execution exceeds the time-limit then it is externally aborted.

Feature #3: Isolated

In a blockchain, anyone and everyone can upload a smart contract. However, because of this the contracts may, knowingly and unknowingly contain virus and bugs.

If the contract is not isolated, this may hamper the whole system. Hence, it is critical for a contract to be kept isolated in a sandbox to save the entire ecosystem from any negative effects.

Now that we have seen these features, it is important to know how they are executed. Usually, the smart contracts are run using one of the two systems:

  • Virtual Machines: Ethereum uses this.
  • Docker: Fabric uses this.

Let’s compare these two and determine which makes for a better ecosystem. For simplicity’s sake, we are going to compare Ethereum (Virtual Machine) to Fabric (Docker).

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

So, as can be seen, Virtual Machines provide better Deterministic, terminable and isolated environment for the Smart contracts. However, dockers have one distinct advantage. They provide coding language flexibility while in a Virtual Machine (VM) like Ethereum, one needs to learn a whole new language (solidity) to create smart contracts.

The EVM is the virtual machine in which all the smart contracts function in Ethereum. It is a simple yet powerful Turing Complete 256-bit virtual machine. Turing Complete means that given the resources and memory, any program executed in the EVM can solve any problem.

What is Ethereum Gas?

As explained in the introduction, Gas is a unit that measures the amount of computational effort that it will take to execute certain operations.

Note: Before we continue, huge shoutout to Joseph Chow for his amazing presentation on Ethereum gas.

Most of the smart contracts that run in the EVM are coded using Solidity (Ethereum is planning to move on to Viper from Solidity in the future).  Each and every line of code in Solidity requires a certain amount of gas to be executed.

ETH gas price chart

The image below has been taken from the Ethereum Yellowpaper and can be used to gain a rough idea of how much specific instructions cost gas-wise. Every transaction requires at least 21,000 gas according to this table:

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Image Courtesy: Ethereum Yellow Paper

To better understand how gas works in Ethereum, let’s use an analogy. Suppose you are going on a road trip. Before you do so you go through these steps:

  • You go to the gas station and specify how much gas you want to fill up in your car.
  • You get that gas filled up in your car.
  • You pay the gas station the amount of money you owe them for the gas.

Now, let’s draw parallels with Ethereum.

Driving the car is the operation that you want to execute, like executing a function of a smart contract.

The gas is well….gas.

The gas station is your miner.

The money that you paid them is the miner fees.

All the operations that users want to execute in ethereum must provide gas for the following:

  • To cover its data aka intrinsic gas.
  • To cover its entire computation.

Now that we have covered the bare basics, you maybe asking the following question.

Why do we have this Gas system?

The answer is simple…incentivization.

Like any proof-of-work peer-to-peer system, Ethereum is heavily dependent on the hashrate of their miners. More the miners, more the hashrate, more secure and fast the system.

In order to attract more miners into the system, they need to make the system as profitable and alluring as possible for the miners. In Ethereum, there are two ways that miners can earn money:

  • By mining blocks and getting block rewards.
  • By becoming temporary dictators of their mined blocks.

Let’s explore the second point.

The miners are responsible for putting transactions inside their blocks. In order to do so, they must use their computational power to validate smart contracts. The gas system allows them to charge a certain fee for doing so.

This fee is known as the miner’s fee and it helps incentivize them enough to take part actively in the ecosystem.

So, how much fees can they charge? Before we can calculate that let’s understand how we measure gas.

Gas is simply measured in units of gas. A transaction sent to the Ethereum network costs some discrete amount of gas (e.g. 100 gas) depending on how many EVM instructions need to be executed.

So, how do we convert the gas into Ether?

There is no fixed price of conversion. It is up to the sender of a transaction to specify any gas price they like. On the other side, it is up to the miner to verify any transactions they like (usually ones that specify the highest gas price). The average gas price is typically on the order of about 20 Gwei (or 0.00000002 ETH), but can increase during times of high network traffic as there are more transactions competing to be included in the next block.

The following chart shows you the average Ethereum gas price chart.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Image courtesy: Etherscan.

Before we go any further, it is important to know the concept of gas limit.

What is Ethereum Gas Limit?

In order to get an operation done in Ethereum, the sender of the transaction must specify a gas limit before they submit it to the network. The gas limit is the maximum amount of gas the sender is willing to pay for this transaction.

When specifying a gas limit, the following points must be considered:

  • Different operations will have different gas costs (as has been shown before).
  • The miners will stop executing the moment the gas runs out.
  • If there is any gas left over, it will be immediately refunded to the operation generator.

Let’s see this in operation in a hypothetical scenario.

Suppose, we are adding two numbers and for that the contract must do the following actions:

  • Storing 10 in a variable. Let’s say this operation costs 45 gas.
  • Adding two variables, let’s say this costs 10 gas.
  • Storing the result which again costs 45 gas.

Suppose the sender specifies a gas limit of 120 gas.

The total gas used by the miner to run the computation is (45+10+45) = 100 gas.

The fee that is owed to the miner, assuming 1 gas costs 20 Gwei, is (100 * 20 Gwei) = 0.000002 ETH.

Now, how much gas is left over?

120 – 100 = 20 gas.

The 20 unused gas is returned back to the sender (20 * 20 Gwei) = 0.0000004 ETH.

So, having said that, there are two scenarios that one must consider:

  • The specified gas limit is too low.
  • The specified gas limit is too high.

Scenario #1: The Gas Limit is too low

If an operation runs out of gas, then it is reverted back to its original state like nothing actually happened, however, the operation generator must STILL pay the miners the fee for their computational costs and the operation gets added to the blockchain (even if it has not been executed).

Going back to our road trip analogy, if you haven’t filled up enough gas in your car, then you will not be able to reach your destination, but even then you paid the gas station the money for the fuel right?

Let’s see how this works in our hypothetical smart contract. The steps were:

  • Storing 10 in a variable. Let’s say this operation costs 45 gas.
  • Adding two variables, let’s say this costs 10 gas.
  • Storing the result which again costs 45 gas.

However, this time, the sender sets a gas limit of 90 gas.

Now, we know that the gas that will be required for fulfilling the transaction is 100 gas, but we only specified 90 gas limit.

In this scenario, the miner will do 90 gas worth of computation and then charge the sender fees for the 90 gas which turns out to be (90 * 20 Gwei) = 0.0000018 ETH.

Also, the contract reverts back to its original state and the transaction is included in the blockchain.

Scenario #2: The Gas Limit is too high

So, what if we set the gas limit too high?

That would make sense to do right? Afterall, whatever is leftover gets refunded to the sender right?

That sounds good on paper but it doesn’t really work that well in reality.

Miners are limited by the block gas limit, which we’ll suppose is 6,700,000 gas. A basic transaction (simple transfer of ETH) has at least a gas requirement of 21,000 gas. Miners can only include transactions which add up to be less than or equal to the block gas limit.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Image courtesy: Hackernoon

Suppose there is a transaction A (which does a simple transfer of ETH) and has a specified gas limit of 42,000 and two transactions B and C (also simple transfers of ETH) which have specified gas limits of 21,000.

Which will make more sense for a miner to put in their block?

  • Will they put in transaction A and refund back a huge amount of unused gas?
  • Or will they put transactions B and C and refund little to nothing back?

The second point makes more sense to them economically right?

This is precisely why having a bloated gas limit is not a sensible way to go. It is more reasonable to set a gas limit which is just a little higher than the required amount of gas for your transaction.

The following is the average gas limit chart.

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

Image Courtesy: Etherscan

High and Low Ethereum Gas vs High and Low Fee

It should be clear to you so far that gas and ether are not the same things. Gas is the amount of computational power required while ether is the currency used to pay for that gas.

Now with the knowledge of everything we have obtained so far, let’s go through certain gas and fees scenarios.

If an operation has LOW gas, then the miners won’t even pick it up because it doesn’t have enough gas to finish computation.

If an operation has LOW fees, then it might have just enough gas to cover it but still, the miners won’t be chomping at the bits to pick it up because an operation with low fees isn’t economically appealing for them.

If an operation has HIGH gas, then it means that the operation is bloated with a high gas limit and hence the miners will not pick it up.

If an operation has HIGH fees, then the miners know that they will make a lot of money from it and will be picking it up instantly.

The currently recommended gas prices for different types of transaction speeds, according to ethgasstation are:

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

What Happens in Ethereum Gas Refund Scenarios?

In solidity, there are two commands which ensure that you get some gas refund back.

  • SUICIDE: This basically kills the smart contract. Doing so will get you back 24000 gas.
  • SSTORE: Storage deletion, which gets you back 15,000.

So, if your contract is using up 14,000 gas and deletes a storage then you should get back (15000-14000) 1000 gas refunded to you right?

It isn’t that simple.

If that was the case, then miners will lose all incentive. After all, the miners shouldn’t pay you to do your computations right?

To avoid scenarios like these, a condition was put in.

The refund that has been accumulated cannot exceed half the gas used up during computation.

Let’s take an example to clear this up.

…Suppose we have a smart contract which uses up 14,000 gas.

The gas limit that we have set up is 20,000 gas.

The smart contract also includes an SSTORAGE command.

So, how much gas will the contract creator get back post computation?

Firstly, they will get back (20,000-14,000) = 6,000 units of unused gas.

Now, the SSTORAGE command has also been used, so theoretically they should get back 15,000 gas as well.

However, the amount of gas that has been used in the contract is 14,000 and since 15,000 > 14,000/2, the REFUND generated will be 14,000/2= 7000.

So the total gas that the creator is getting back in the end is 6000+7000 = 13,000.

Let’s take another example.

Suppose this time the contract uses up 70,000 gas and it includes a SUICIDE function.

A SUICIDE function should give you 24,000 gas back which is < 70,000/2.

In this situation, the gas refund will be 24,000 + unused gas.

Criticism of Ethereum Gas. Is it Justified?

Even though the gas system has gotten praise for presenting a smoothly running mechanism which incentivizes the miners pretty positively, it has come under criticism lately for being a tad too expensive for developers and smart contract creators.

Regarding this, Danny Ryan did some interesting studies in his Hackernoon article.

Consider the following scenario:

What is Ethereum Gas: Step-By-Step Guide

When two numbers are added a million times in Ethereum it costs ~$26.55 in fees.

Danny Ryan compared that to a standard AWS system. He said that he can add two numbers a million times using python in 0.04 seconds, which going by the $0.0059 hourly Amazon EC2 rate costs $0.000000066.

This means that computation in Ethereum is 400 million times more expensive!

Based on his studies, this is the conclusion he made:

“To be fair, adding two numbers together 1 million times is a bit contrived. A well written contract would likely move such computational complexity off-chain and deal more with updating state in the contract. Storing vast amounts of data to the blockchain is also not an ordinary task. Depending on the task, a user would likely store a cryptographic reference (a hash) of the data on-chain and keep the rest of the data off-chain.

That said, we as developers need to be aware of these costs, and design dApps accordingly. We need to find the balance between on-chain and off-chain complexity, while still leveraging the decentralized capabilities of the blockchain.”

Increasing Ethereum Gas Prices Affecting Innovation

The problem with Ethereum’s high gas prices is that it makes it impossible for a developer to microtransaction payments to their projects. Lately, it has increased significantly due to network congestion from DeFi and the increasing transaction fees.

As you may be aware, DeFi (decentralized finance) apps are going through a boom period right now. Everyone wants to have a slice of the yield farming pie. As of writing, the amount of value locked up in DeFi is around $11 billion with UniSwap, Maker, WBTC being the most popular apps.

From a developer POV, the beauty of DeFi lies in its composability. One can easily incorporate different DeFi features and create a whole new app. However, with the skyrocketing gas fees, it’s becoming harder for the developers to incorporate an internal economic system that enables micropayments.

By Ameer Rosic

Details about Celo (CGLD)

Celo is a payments platform attempting to make crypto payments as easy as possible to support communities around the world who are still left without critical financial services.

Key Takeaways

  • Celo is a blockchain project focusing on improving the lives of communities around the world via swift and easy payments infrastructure.
  • The PoS network offers multiple tiers for participants: An application that doubles as a light client, full nodes, and validators.
  • The system offers a stablecoin called Celo Dollars and a governance token called Celo Gold.
  • Mainnet launch is slated for next Monday.

As Celo concludes its latest $10 million token sale, many may still be wondering what the payments platform is all about. In the following guide, Crypto Briefing will dig into the technology, the native cryptocurrencies, and the project’s broader mission.

What Is Celo?

Celo is a blockchain project focused on making crypto payments as easy as possible. Instead of having to manage complex crypto addresses, users can send cryptocurrencies using mobile phone numbers. 

Sending the platform’s stablecoin, Celo Dollars, is even possible for users who do not have the Celo app. Users can send value via WhatsApp too. To access this value, however, recipients would eventually need to download the application. 

When a user opens a Celo account, they link their telephone numbers to a specific address. A cryptographic hash of the phone number is then stored on the blockchain. To get a better understanding of how to open a Celo account, Crypto Briefing experimented with Celo’s Alfajores Testnet

How Celo Turns Phone Numbers into Blockchain Addresses
Source: Celo

The process is straightforward. 

Once users connect their mobile number with the app, the app sends an invite code via SMS which users must input to synchronize their number. After that, the app sends three SMS messages to verify the synchronization. 

According to a company blog post, users can connect multiple phone numbers to the same Celo address. 

There is also a small fee to verify the phone number. From there, the testnet gives users a small amount of Celo Dollars with which to experiment. There is a related faucet that developers and early adopters can use to replenish their Celo accounts. These are all testnet tokens and hold no real value.

There will be more discussion on the purpose of Celo Dollars and Celo Gold further along in this article. 

The simplicity of the app has led Polychain Capital CEO to describe the project as “the WhatsApp for money.”

Along with Polychain, Celo has attracted an army of notable investors to the project. Coinbase Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz’s a16z, 9YardCapital, and several well-known angel investors have contributed over $36.5 million in support. 

Adding the token offering, Celo’s coffers now hold roughly $46.5 million. Co-founder of Celo, Rene Reinsberg, told Crypto Briefing that the proceeds from the latest raise “will be used to fund ongoing development work and for community grants supporting  the ecosystem.”

The team behind the project comes from an impressive tech and finance background.

There are three co-founders, Sep Kamvar, Rene Reinsberg, and Marek Olszewski. Kamvar is the inventor of a digital reputation system called EigenTrust. Reinsberg and Olszewski sold their machine learning startup to GoDaddy. 

Other members come from other notable internet companies. 

How Does Celo Work?

On the technical side, Celo is built using the Go implementation of Ethereum and leverages a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. There are validators and nodes which help verify transactions and secure the network. 

But insofar as Celo is focused on a mobile-first user base, operating hefty and expensive validators is problematic. Once Ethereum finally transitions to a PoS network, the financial barrier of operating an Ethereum node would be 32 ether, or ~$6,344 at time of press. 

Readers should also refer to AlgorandTezos, and Cosmos for examples of successful PoS networks currently operating in the wild. 

It currently costs users more than $20,000 in equipment, $2,100 in fees per month, and a stake of 10,000 ATOM (~$25,000) tokens to run a competitive Cosmos validator. According to Reinsberg, the price is less to operate a Celo validator: 

“Each validator requires 10,000 cGLD locked up, and validator groups require 10,000 cGLD per validator affiliated with it. So, if someone wants to run 1 validator in their own validator group, they will need 20,000 locked cGLD (10k for the group, and 10k for the validator). Interestingly, this amount aligns with the average amount purchased per person in the auction, $19,646.37.” 

Though this may be prohibitive to some, Celo is looking to include as many users as possible through a multi-tiered system of light clients, validators, and nodes. 

Celo's Muli-Tiered Network
Source: Celo

The Celo mobile application doubles as a light client. Each time a user makes a payment using the application, the light client selects the cheapest, highest latency full-node in the area to confirm its transactions. 

As with any blockchain-based network there are fees for transacting. In the Celo scheme, the fees are included in the transactions sent to full nodes. Each full node can choose their lowest minimum fee to process the transaction.

The more full nodes that exist, the more efficient a network will operate. And once users recognize that they can earn money for running a full node, they too will be incentivized to launch a full node. 

There are no fees or costs for joining the network at this tier; simply run a node on a computer and begin earning. 

The third tier, validators, must be much more robust than the full node group. This is because the number of validators is limited and also because validators wield much more power in the network. This level of the network is responsible for protocol changes, providing security audits, as well as supplying hardware and software to keep the network running.

They are compensated for these contributions, much in the same way Tezos and Cosmos validators are. Like these two networks, Celo validators also hold governance properties to help steer the direction of the protocol. 

Validators that fail to operate in the best interests of the network are penalized.

What Are the Celo Assets?

Celo offers users two native crypto assets, Celo Dollars (cUSD) and Celo Gold (cGLD). 

Celo Dollars help facilitate the stable transfer of digital value between users. It is an ERC-20 stablecoin backed by reserves and pegged to the price of the U.S. dollar. 

The team has said that they will expand this offering to cover other fiat currencies. 

Unlike Celo Dollars, there is a fixed supply of Celo Gold. It is in this fixed cryptocurrency that Celo is able to manage price stability as well as much of its governance operations. Users can create cUSD by sending $1 worth of cGLD to the Celo Foundation reserve. They can also destroy cUSD by converting it back into cGLD. 

A portion of this fixed supply will be sold upon the network’s launch with the rest being created throughout the network’s life. 

Users holding cGLD can join the network as a validator or validator group, as well as propose and vote on protocol changes. They must first send some cGLD to a smart contract where the funds are locked in. The events that users can participate in are not mutually exclusive either. 

One can vote on a protocol change as well as select a validator using the same locked cGLD. For a deeper dive into the details of the governance structure, readers are invited to explore Celo’s documentation on the subject.

Users who frequently vote and are active throughout the governance process, are eligible for various rewards. The ultimate goal behind the network’s design is to entice as much participation as possible regardless of technical knowledge and financial standing. 

This in part due to the project’s grander mission. 

What Is the Alliance for Prosperity?

There are clear reasons that Celo wants to be one of the first mobile-friendly, highly-secured blockchain networks. 

They are focused on improving financial inclusion in parts of the world that have been traditionally neglected. It is for this reason that the mobile application plays such a critical role in this network. 

For the uninitiated, it is well known that many of the poorest regions in the world have turned to mobile phones to “leapfrog” technologically. 

Although they may have never experienced fixed-lines, for instance, cellphones are found throughout. Not just that, but the amount of value now being passed using mobile devices is growing every year. 

A report from the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA) indicates that “in 2018, $136 billion (the total value of cash-in transactions) were digitized by mobile money agents globally.” 

The number of mobile money agents even exceeds that of commercial banking infrastructure. 

Mobile Payments and Celo
Source: GSMA

To continue building on this mission, the Celo Foundation has created a so-called “Alliance for Prosperity.” This group of projects, investment funds, and service providers are all committed to improving the financial conditions where it is needed most. 

This could be in the way of payments, but also includes a number of other use cases that Celo has defined as follows: Accept, Acquire, Build, Earn, Educate, Give, Grow, Lend, Preserve, Send, Save, and Secure.

UABA has joined the @CeloOrg Alliance for Prosperity and will contribute to the Celo Ecosystem through education, community management and ecosystem support of the Celo platform.

— United Africa Blockchain Association (@UABA_Africa) May 7, 2020

This Alliance has grown leaps and bounds since its formation and has even attracted a similar audience as that of Facebook’s Libra project. It is for this reason that there have been so many comparisons drawn between the two ventures. 

The Giving Block, a member of the Alliance and a project that helps nonprofits accept crypto donations, is exemplary of the Celo mission.

Alex Wilson, a co-founder, told Crypto Briefing:

“Celo is the first major blockchain project to put social impact at its core which makes it a great fit for us. We’re excited to help bring prosperity to all.”

Companies within the Alliance will also be able to collaborate with one another. uTrust, a crypto company helping to onboard businesses to the world of digital assets, is hoping to do exactly this.

CEO Sanja Kon, said:

“With our Payment platform and B2B solutions, we are ready to help people worldwide to open their business to millions of new users worldwide. Anyone in Africa or Latin America, can open their online business and start accepting digital currencies as a means of payment for their goods and services from anyone in the world, with truly borderless payments with low fees and no chargebacks. The fact that this is an Alliance with other amazing companies will enable synergies between Alliance members for innovative solutions worldwide.”

Concluding, Celo is one of the more ambitious projects in the cryptocurrency space. It is tackling a major social issue by delivering new technology at scale. The design is built from the bottom up for ease-of-use and ease-of-access. 

Interested parties need only download the app. If the network gains traction, there will be further incentive to participate at the full node tier or even the validator tier. With any blockchain-based network, overcoming this critical adoption chasm is the ultimate challenge. 

The mainnet launch is slated for launch on May 18, with users voting to unfreeze cGLD for Monday, according to Reinsberg.

By Liam Kelly






今天我们聊一聊以太坊。以太坊的叙事最初从“ 世界计算机 ”开始,然后转向“ 建造永动的、不可阻挡的应用程序”。现在我们看到在以太坊周围形成了一种新叙事,社群参与者称之为“ 开放金融”或者“去中心化金融”。






去中心化的数字资产衍生品协议/平台,使交易员和投资者能够创建基于以太坊的加密货币衍生品智能合约。明星项目如dYdX协议,是基于以太坊的衍生品交易平台,提供可以用于做空以太坊代币 ETH 和其他 ERC20 标准代币的协议,从而让投资者可以利用协议对 ERC20 代币进行杠杆投资。








分布式的信贷和贷款平台实现了真正意义上的P2P——点对点借贷。这些项目让用户可以建立信任的同时,无需像中心化机构一样搜集个人数据,没有各种借贷的身份证,运营商认证,信用卡数据等。 代表性项目SALT(Saltlending)成立于2017年。作为一个智能撮合、自动化实现的数字资产抵押贷款平台,SALT主要从三个方面解决用户需求。其一是方便、快捷、低息的法币贷款;其二是用于抵押的数字资产不变更所有权,维持投资属性的同时增加现金流动性;最后是资产抵押并非出售,可抵消税务事件。完整的SALT贷款系统涉及借贷双方、资产保存、流动性转移、以及实现以上运行的智能合约设计与风控技术支持。

中心化替代方案:Equifax,Lending Club,SoFi
















中心化替代方案:SAS Institute,KYC Global Technologies,Clear View Systems




中心化替代方案:传统保险公司如State Farm(美国最大的互助保险公司,首家引入UBI车险模式)






去中心化的预测市场平台通过提供抗审查的投注市场来提高传统预测市场的准确性。由于任何接入互联网的人都可以访问这些市场,因此极大地增加了参与者的数量,从而提高了准确性。 最具代表性项目去中心化的预测市场是Augur,基于以太坊区块链技术。用户可以用数字货币进行预测和下注,依靠群众的智慧来预判事件的发展结果,可以有效地消除对手方风险和服务器的中心化风险,同时采用加密货币(如比特币)创建出一个全球性的市场。











第一阶段:明网黑市,2011 年以前



2003 至 2007 年间,情况发生了根本性的改变:黑市卖家开始注意到了中心化的匿名数字货币。基于邮购的非法实物交易开始出现。这些卖家一般不会公开打广告,营销一般靠口耳相传,局限在组织严密的团体内。

后来出现了比特币,作为第一个去中心化的加密货币,它推动了黑市支付的范式转换。2011年1月诞生的暗网市场”丝绸之路” 可能是第一个融合了这种新型在线支付系统的匿名交易网络。


“丝绸之路” 也是第一个进入大众眼帘的暗网市场。

暗网市场的浅层描述是一个托管在Tor洋葱路由等匿名覆盖网络上的网站(通过使用“洋葱路由”技术, 像剥洋葱一样,一层又一层代理连接,追查起来非常困难),商家列出商品,买家浏览和挑选商品,两者之间的支付是通过加密货币进行的。暗网还会提供额外的功能,例如买卖双方间的加密通信、声誉管理、支付托管,以及买卖双方可自由发布信息的论坛。















移动即时通讯工具的使用,让买家通过智能手机即可联系卖家,是一种更好的购物体验。这也意味着大部分的通信不再经过 Tor 或 I2P 网络,而是由买方和卖方两端所用的技术来加密保护,比如会用到流行的翻墙软件VPN。





除了让交易变得更安全和快捷以外,这些趋势也引起了卖家的组织结构变化:相比于从前常见的扁平化结构,如今的黑市卖家重新采用了树状组织结构,分为采购层、销售层和送货层。在每个层次下的员工不会知道高层员工的身份,也不会跟他们有任何接触。所有的通信都是数字化的 —— 通过 IM 消息和加密货币,货物只通过转移 “藏货” 地点的方式来移动。也就是金流、物流、信息流模型完全重塑,风险隔离。










上述的信息服务具有双重用途,所有卖家,不论非法的与合法的,都会使用这些服务,慢慢集成自动回复、聊天机器人和点对点支付技术。即时通讯巨头比如微信、Telegram,甚至是 Facebook 已经涉足这个领域。






再开一下脑洞,结合了5G 移动网络、匿名通讯、聊天机器人、匿名加密货币、端对端加密、GPS、廉价电子设备、3D打印技术和廉价无人机的未来——短距离多轨飞行器和长距离飞机,支持基于图像识别的定位导航,还有更多的代码。


By 何宇清


美国正处于严重的阿片类流行病(opioid epidemic)痛苦之中,自2007年以来,因为过量服用而导致死亡的人数每年都在增加——事实上,这场危机的罪魁祸首就是芬太尼,因为作为一种合成阿片类药物,其功效竟然比吗啡都高出100倍。








暗网上有许多使用加密货币的芬太尼经销商,比如Nightmare Market和Empire Market,虽然有些交易平台考虑到芬太尼极度危险的药性而选择了禁止交易,但不少卖家依然会使用一些化名来称呼芬太尼,还有些人会把芬太尼添加到各种不同的假冒药品之中继续交易,这些行为更加剧了终端用户出现用药过量的风险。




2017年,一名佛罗里达州妇女死于过量服用芬太尼类的药物,而这些药物就是从暗网AlphaBay上一家名为ETIKING的供应商那里购买的。美国缉毒局(DEA)一开始并没有通过分析加密货币交易展开调查,而是通过线人提供的信息找到了ETIKING的卖家杰瑞米·阿奇(Jeremy Achey)并将其逮捕。

当得知这个消息之后,我们决定使用Chainalysis Reactor来分析ETIKING的加密货币活动,目的是为了搞清楚这款工具是否能对相似的执法机构调查有所帮助,而结果其实没有令人感到失望。




我们可以把上述地址输入到Chainalysis Reactor里,就可以看到与该地址关联的交易对手信息,此时我们就可以追溯这笔资金交易此前所使用过服务(比如是否在加密货币交易所上处理过交易),同时也能再向上追溯其他犯罪份子的信息。

上图展示了带有ETIKING地址的交易活动的一般细分,其中「接收曝光」(Receiving Exposure)显示资金从何处流入,而「发送曝光」(Sending Exposure)则显示了资金从何处流出。




举个例子,如果我们继续深入分析ETIKING「接收曝光」中暗网这一类别,那么会发现他们获得资金最多的两个暗网平台分别是AlphaBay和Dream Market。




如果我们更加仔细地观察ETIKING「发送曝光」中的一笔不太寻常的交易,就会找到更多有价值的「花絮」。在2015年至2016年期间,我们看到杰瑞米·阿奇向位于西班牙巴塞罗那的药物效能测试实验室Energy Control International发送了0.71比特币。









By 平行区块链




1993年,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校数学家Eric Hughes教授在《加密朋克宣言》中写到:“电子信息时代,个人隐私在一个开放的社会环境中是必需品。我们不指望政府、公司或者其他什么组织来承诺我们的隐私权。但必须有人站出来做一个软件,用以保护我们的隐私安全。”






1. 悄悄“崛起”的莱特币

今年二月,加密货币市场调查公司Recorded Future通过对150个暗网市场及地下交易网络留言板的调查发现,比特币的好评率大幅下降。



(图片来源:Recorded Future)





(图片来源:Recorded Future)

从Recorded Future的调查结果可以发现,方便快捷的莱特币正在欧洲市场迅速虏获人心;但在英文市场,人们似乎更加关注交易的安全性和匿名性。

加密货币分析公司Chainalysis日前曾发出声明表示,他们可以追踪与犯罪活动相关的加密货币钱包;Chainalysis 首席执行官 Michael Gronager 认为,是由于目前使用加密货币进行违法活动的人数还不是很多,因此追踪犯罪行为相对容易;但对于门罗币和Zcash这种以匿名性为中心的加密货币仍然是难以追踪的。

2. 门罗币的晋升之路



从斯诺登泄露的政府机密文件来看,美国国家安全局(NSA)从2013年开始就一直在通过代号为“OAKSTAR”的计划追踪比特币用户的行动,目前该机构的这种监控行为似乎已经开始向明确用户身份的方向发展了;据最新的文件内容,NSA可能正在通过“OAKSTAR”的另一个子项目“MONKEYROCKET” 来进一步锁定发起比特币交易用户的真实身份。





与莱特币直接复制自比特币不同,门罗币硬分叉自2012年7月发行的“Bytecoin(字节币)”。字节币是第一个基于CryptoNote算法的隐私性加密货币;但由于在它公诸于世之前,就已经被预挖了将近82%,因此Riccardo Spagni等人在字节币的基础之上发行了门罗币,又在其中添加了环形签名和混淆地址等技术来增加匿名性,使门罗币能够达到隐藏交易金额和交易双方地址信息的目的。







对此,暗网市场Dream Market 表示,暂时停止使用门罗币的支付选项;直到四月底,门罗币的硬分叉事件告一段落,功能稳定之后,他们才又重新开启了对门罗币的支持。


3. “黑暗”中的达世币






根据Recorded Future的调查结果,截至今年二月份,达世币在暗网中的接受率已经超过20%。



4. 暗网市场所使用的加密货币最终都将成为主流币?



  • 在暗网中占据主流地位的比特币八年暴涨300万倍,而其价格的上涨吸引了众多用户和投机者参与其中,最终也成为使其被暗网抛弃的最大原因之一;
  • 达世币2017年增幅8000%,最高时其增幅是比特币的六倍;
  • 动荡的门罗币受暗网影响最为明显,2016年阿尔法湾和OASIS两大暗网宣布接受门罗币,使其价格增长50%,2018年4月,当门罗币身处硬分叉风波时,阿尔法湾的替代网络Empire添加门罗币支付选项,使其价格逆转跌势,掉头向上。


