总结起来VAI是Venus的重头戏。Venus对VAI的定义是:背靠一揽子稳定币和加密资产的算法稳定币(目前是锚定美元,1VAI锚定1USD)VAI其实非常像Libra最初计划的稳定币了,Libra当时提出了一个概念叫基于公链的去中心化一揽子货币。(百度对一揽子货币的解释;一篮子货币(Basket of currencies)指作为设定汇率参考的一个外币组合,某一外币在组合中所占的比重通常以该外币在本国国际贸易中的重要性为基准,是由多种货币分别按一定的比重所构成的一组)我们可以这样去理解,在Libra最初的设定计划中,通过在银行中按比例存储不同的货币,如美元、欧元、英镑、日元等,综合不同货币权重之下,创造了一个新的超主权货币Libra,去年那个时候的Libra并不是像今天要锚定美元什么的,而是类似于背靠不同成分有真实货币资产抵押去生成价值、调节价值的新货币。
目前用户存入到 Stkr 的 ETH, 会存储在智能合约之中保留一周。预计一周后,合约审核可以结束。在此之前,用户存入的 ETH 可以存取;而之后,将会把 Stkr 合约之中的 ETH 发送至 2.0 合约中。由于以太坊存款协议存入之后,是单向的方式,意味着质押者将无法提取 ETH。
前面我们提到过,锁仓代币的流动性问题,是每个项目方都需要关注的,Ankr 如何解决流动性的问题?
通过 Stkr 平台存入的 ETH,用户将会获得相应的生息凭证 aETH,用户可以将 aETH 自由转账或者交易,以此获得流动性。和 StaFi 方式类似,平台将会在 Uniswap 类似的平台上建立 aETH/ETH 激励池,以实现 aETH p 的可交易、可流通。当平台把用户存入的 ETH 转入到 2.0 合约后,用户将能够领取 aETH,同时意味着用户的 ETH 将会被锁定。
The Compound protocol lives on the Ethereum blockchain — it’s open-source, immutable, and accessible by any Ethereum account, forever. But for most people, decentralized protocols are hard to use.
In this guide, we’ll walk through how to use the Compound Dashboard with a Web3-compatible Ethereum wallet — a visual, intuitive way to access Compound’s interest rate markets for the first time. If you’d like to try other interfaces and products built on Compound, you can find a selection of alternatives on the Compound home page.
For a more technical understanding of what’s happening under the hood, please see our protocol Documentation.
Connect your Wallet
When you first visit the Dashboard, a pop-up will ask you to connect your Ethereum wallet. These wallets secure the private keys to your crypto and enable you to authorize transactions, and view balances on the Ethereum blockchain.
Make sure your wallet contains at least 0.05 Ether. This is required to create Ethereum transactions.
If you don’t have an Ethereum wallet yet, MetaMask is a user-friendly browser extension that stores an Ethereum wallet.
Select the wallet that you use, and follow the instructions.
The Compound Dashboard
After connecting your wallet, your Ethereum address will appear in the top-right of the screen.
The top of the screen displays the value of your Supply Balance and Borrow Balance; at first, both of these will be $0.
On the left-hand side are Supply Markets; these are assets you can supply to Compound to earn interest. On the right-hand side are Borrow Markets; these are assets you can borrow from Compound.
Supply Assets to Earn Interest & COMP
First, click on the asset that you’d like to Supply.
A pop-up will appear, displaying the Supply APY (amount of token/year) and the Distribution APY (amount of COMP/year) you’ll earn by Supplying the asset.
Before you can Supply an asset, you must Enable it first. This allows the Compound protocol to interact with the asset in your wallet. Click Enable, and submit the transaction.
To Supply an asset, type the quantity you’d like to supply at the top of the pop-up. Your wallet balance is displayed at the bottom of the pop-up, and can be entered with the MAX button.
Click Supply, and submit the transaction.
Monitoring your Income
Assets are supplied directly from your Ethereum wallet into Compound, and immediately begin earning interest.
Interest accrues directly to your Supply balance; you won’t see Ethereum transactions, or distributions — but your balance and Earned column will slowly increase over time.
In the top-right of the Dashboard, you can see your COMP balance. Click the number, and a pop-up will appear.
To collect your earned COMP, click Claim, and submit the transaction.
Withdraw Assets
At any time, you can Withdraw any portion of your balance back to your Ethereum wallet.
Borrowing Assets
The Compound protocol allows you to borrow any supported asset, using your Supply balance as Collateral.
Your Borrow Limit is the maximum value of assets you can owe the protocol; at the top of the Dashboard, a meter is displayed, tracking what portion of your Borrow Limit you’ve used.
If this meter reaches ≥100%, your account will be partially liquidated. This can occur when collateral declines in value, or borrowed assets increase in value.
If your account is in liquidation, a member of the community can repay up to 50% of your outstanding borrowed assets; the liquidating user receives a proportionate amount of your collateral, at a 8.0% discount, as a reward.
Carefully monitor your Borrow Limit, and what portion you’re using.
Increase your Borrow Limit
You can enable, or disable an asset to be used as collateral by pressing the toggle on the right side of the asset; you’ll be presented with a pop-up which displays how your Borrow Limit will change.
Borrow Assets
First, click on the asset that you’d like to Borrow.
A pop-up will appear, displaying the Borrow APY (amount of token/year) you’ll pay, and the Distribution APY (amount of COMP/year) you’ll earn by Borrowing the asset.
To Borrow an asset, type the quantity you’d like to borrow at the top of the pop-up. For convenience, the 80% LIMIT button will borrow up to 80% of your Borrow Limit. The impact on your Borrow Limit meter will be displayed.
Click Borrow, and submit the transaction.
Example Borrowing Use Cases
Alice wants increased long exposure to ZRX.She supplies 10,000 ZRX to Compound, and uses it as collateral to borrow 30 ETH. Alice sends the ETH to her favorite exchange to purchase 6,000 more ZRX. Alice now has long exposure to 16,000 ZRX, and owes Compound 30 ETH. She is long ZRX/ETH. If ZRX/ETH increases in value, Alice will be able to repurchase the 30 ETH she owes Compound for less than 6,000 ZRX. She can then repay her debt, and keep the excess ZRX as profit.
Bob wants short exposure to ZRX.He supplies 100 ETH to Compound, and uses it as collateral to borrow 12,000 ZRX. Bob sends the ZRX to his favorite exchange, and sells it for 60 ETH. Bob now has long exposure to 160 ETH, and owes Compound 12,000 ZRX. He is short ZRX/ETH. If ZRX/ETH decreases in value, Bob will be able to repurchase the 12,000 ZRX he owes Compound for less than 60 ETH. He can then repay his debt, and keep the excess ETH as profit.